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Additional information: The scheme responsible for protecting your deposit. FGDB is the officially recognized statutory deposit guarantee scheme in Romania. General coverage limit If a deposit is unavailable because a credit institution is unable to meet its payment obligations under the applicable contractual and legal conditions, compensation payments to depositors are made by the deposit guarantee scheme. Each compensation has a maximum limit set at the equivalent in lei of 100,000 EUR per credit institution. This means that all deposits with the same credit institution are aggregated to determine the coverage limit. For example, if a depositor has a savings account of 90,000 EUR and a current account with 20,000 EUR, they will receive only the equivalent in lei of 100,000 EUR. Coverage limit applicable to joint accounts In the case of joint accounts, the coverage limit set at the equivalent in lei of 100,000 EUR applies to each depositor. Exception: In the case of deposits placed in an account whose beneficiaries are two or more persons in their capacity as members of a lucrative association, partnerships, or similar groupings without legal personality, they are aggregated and treated as if placed by a single depositor for the calculation of the 100,000 EUR limit. In certain cases, as presented below, deposits are covered above the equivalent in lei of 100,000 EUR for a period of 12 months from the date the amount was credited to the account at the credit institution in question or from the date the deposits can be legally transferred to another credit institution: deposits resulting from real estate transactions related to residential properties; deposits resulting from the event of retirement, redundancy, marriage, divorce, disability, or death of the depositor; deposits resulting from the receipt of insurance indemnities or compensation for damages resulting from crimes or wrongful convictions. In these cases, the guarantee limit is periodically set and reconsidered by the NBR and published on its official website. Individual depositors are required to inform the Bank by completing the form available at any Bank branch and presenting, if applicable, the supporting documents requested by the Bank, whenever they are to receive amounts from the sources mentioned in points a) – c) above. Additional information is available at http://www.fgdb.ro. Payment of compensations The responsible deposit guarantee scheme is the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund, located at Str. Negru Voda no. 3, building A3, 2nd floor, Sector 3, Bucharest, code: 030774, with phone number 021/326.60.20, email address comunicare@fgdb.ro, and website address http://www.fgdb.ro/. They will make available the due compensations (up to the equivalent in lei of 100,000 EUR) within 7 working days from the date the deposits became unavailable. If it is uncertain whether a person is entitled to receive compensation or if the deposit is subject to litigation, the period for making the compensation available is extended until the situation is clarified or, as the case may be, until the litigation is resolved. If you have not received the compensation within this period, we recommend contacting the deposit guarantee scheme, as the period in which you can claim the compensation may be limited. Additional information is available at http://www.fgdb.ro/. Other important information: Compensation payments are made by FGDB through mandated banks if the Bank is unable to fulfill its payment obligations under the applicable contractual and legal conditions. The compensation amount is determined by deducting from the total amount of all eligible deposits held by the guaranteed depositor at the respective credit institution on the date the deposits became unavailable the total value of the due claims on the same date of the credit institution against the respective depositor. Compensation = Sum of guaranteed deposits + due interest - installments, fees, other debts to the Bank, due on the date of deposit unavailability. The compensation to be paid is limited to the applicable coverage limit. The right of guaranteed depositors to receive the due compensations is prescribed upon the fulfillment of the 5-year term from the date FGDB makes the compensations available to depositors. Exceptionally, if the credit institution's bankruptcy procedure exceeds the previously mentioned 5-year term, the right of guaranteed depositors to receive the due compensations is prescribed on the date of closing the bankruptcy procedure. The equivalent in lei of the coverage limit and the amounts in foreign currency considered for determining compensations are calculated using the exchange rates for the respective currencies, communicated by the National Bank of Romania on the date the deposits became unavailable. For deposits made in currencies other than those for which the National Bank of Romania communicates exchange rates, the equivalent in lei of the amounts in foreign currency considered for determining compensations is calculated based on the official exchange rate of the respective currency communicated, on the date the deposits became unavailable, by the central bank issuing the respective currency, related to the euro or, if not communicated in relation to the euro, related to the US dollar. LIST OF DEPOSITS EXCLUDED FROM GUARANTEE 1. Deposits of a credit institution made in its own name and account, in compliance with the provisions of art. 64 para. (2) of Law 311/2015 on deposit guarantee schemes and the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund. 2. Instruments that fall under the definition of own funds, as defined in art. 4 para. (1) point 118 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013. 3. Deposits resulting from transactions for which final court decisions have been issued for money laundering offenses, according to the legislation on preventing and combating money laundering. The classification of deposits in this category is carried out by the deposit guarantee scheme, based on information received from the competent authorities, the credit institution whose deposits became unavailable, or the court-appointed liquidator, as the case may be. 4. Deposits of financial institutions, as defined in art. 4 para. (1) point 26 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013. 5. Deposits of investment firms, as defined in art. 4 para. (1) point 2 of Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013. 6. Deposits for which the identity of the holder has not been verified until they become unavailable, according to the legislation on preventing and combating money laundering. 7. Deposits of insurers and reinsurers, as defined in art. 2 letter A points 5 and 39 of Law No. 32/2000 on insurance activity and insurance supervision, with subsequent amendments and completions. 8. Deposits of collective investment undertakings, as defined by capital market legislation. 9. Deposits of pension funds. 10. Deposits of central, local, and regional public authorities. 11. Debt securities issued by the credit institution, as well as obligations arising from own acceptances and promissory notes. |